About Us

Freethought Dayton is a local Dayton, Ohio area 501(c)(3) nonprofit community group organized for charitable and educational purposes (including the promotion of freethought in the public square and the separation of church and state). Freethought Dayton has a dynamic and diverse group of freethinkers, atheists, agnostics and skeptics that meet regularly for fellowship and fun. If you are interested in joining us at a meetup, you can check out the group's meetup schedule here.

Vision and Mission

Our vision is of a society where reason and evidence guide individual and civic principles, and where none suffer prejudice for a commitment to rationality. Our mission is to nurture a community in the Miami Valley that values secular humanism, promotes and preserves freethought in the public square, provides supportive fellowship, and engages in humanitarian good works.

Community Service & Activism

Freethought Dayton supports a number of community related and charitable activities. We donate blood. We have adopted a highway. We've helped out at the food bank.

FD History

Freethought Dayton started as a 'meetup.com' internet-spawned social group back in 2007 during the height of the 'new atheists' movement. What brought us together originally was the common human need to seek out community.

Atheists, agnostics and skeptics have the same social and community needs as their church-going counterparts.

The internet gave freethinkers across the country, and across the globe, an incredibly effective way to find and connect with each other. We found each other and formed Freethought Dayton. We're still going strong after more than 15 years now.

Becoming a Voting Member

There are no dues required for becoming a participating member of Freethought Dayton. That said, if you would like to become a voting member, you can do so by making a donation at the link below. The yearly fee is $20 for an individual membership, $15 for a student membership and $35 for a household membership.

Voting Membership (1 Year)

Your Email Address:

Contact Us

Email us at info@freethoughtdayton.org

USPS Mail can be sent to this address:
Freethought Dayton, P.O. Box 3541 Dayton, OH 45401

Secular Community for the Miami Valley

Are you an atheist, skeptic, agnostic, or freethinker seeking like-minded community in the Miami Valley? Freethought Dayton might be the group for you!

Freethought Dayton is a registered 501(c)(3).
We are a non-profit / non-prophet group serving the Miami Valley of Ohio.
All rights reserved.